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Encore quelques questions??!!

zazou_loco Photo zazou_loco 13 January 2010 - 23:14

Alors j'avance pas tro mal pour le mapping zombie.Je sais a présent créer ma petite map avec une ou deux maison un terrain.... :D :D

Cependant il y quelques questions que je n'arrive pas a résoudre,pourtant j'ai traquer tous les forum et tuto que j'ai trouver.

1--Comment mettre une fenêtre démontable par les zombie?(je sais créer l'espace pour la fenêtre et mettre une "normal")

2--Impossible pour moi de trouver les spawn a mettre,ni comment les mettre et ou?(apparition de joueur,apparition des zombie...)

3--Comment mettre des armes payante au mur?

4--Comment mettre une boite magique?

5--Comment mettre un objet qui bloque l'accès a la suite de ma map(payant pour ouverture)

6--Comment mettre les éléments de der riese(machine a perk,transporteur,machine a améliorer les armes..)

Je sais cela fais beaucoup de questions mais sérieux j'ai chercher des heures sans trouver les réponses et je commence a désespérer... <_< <_<

Merci a tous pour l'éventuelle aide que vous m'apportez.
Ce message a été modifié par zazou_loco - 14 January 2010 - 10:06.

Fenrir Photo Fenrir 10 November 2010 - 16:03

Pour les sons je sais pas ... mais pour tes blockers j'utilise ce tuto et ca marche D:

s@rge Photo s@rge 10 November 2010 - 16:43

 Fenrir, le 10 November 2010 - 16:03, dit :

Pour les sons je sais pas ... mais pour tes blockers j'utilise ce tuto et ca marche D:

et ...... pourquoi sa le fait sa cher moi help !!!

s@rge Photo s@rge 27 April 2011 - 16:04

Un petit an plus tard ... lol

jvai attendre le mod tools de BO y a une date précise ?


tail Photo tail 30 October 2011 - 14:26

se sujet ne doit plus étre regarder je pense mais je tente ma chance quand méme.

je débute dans le mapping zombie et g un soucis, quand je me déplace dans ma map, ya des endroits dans la map ou je meurt direct, j'arrive pas a comprendre. si quelqu'un peut m'aider ! merci

gicombat Photo gicombat 31 October 2011 - 16:53

fais un screen. ça nous aidera mieux pour t'aider!!

tail Photo tail 01 November 2011 - 10:46

non c'est bon j'ai réglé le problème ! c'était une erreur dans le script ! mais merci quand même :)

tail Photo tail 02 November 2011 - 12:41

 tail, le 01 November 2011 - 10:46, dit :

non c'est bon j'ai réglé le problème ! c'était une erreur dans le script ! mais merci quand même :)

par contre j'ai une autre question !

comment on fait pour mettre un blocker qui coute genre 40000 et qui permet de gagner/finir la map ?

et aussi comment on peut mettre un objet qui permet de lancer une musique ?

voila si quelqu'un sais comment faire et veut bien m'expliquer sa serai sympa !
Ce message a été modifié par tail - 02 November 2011 - 13:23.

gicombat Photo gicombat 02 November 2011 - 17:54

Tu trouvera ton bohneur chez zombiemodding, mais il faut t'inscrire!!


Fin scripter:

énormément de tuto pour le zombie:
Ce message a été modifié par gicombat - 02 November 2011 - 17:55.

tail Photo tail 04 November 2011 - 12:36

merci pour ces tuto !!

par contre je fais des maps en 1.0 parsque c'est assez complexe après :/

la question est : est ce que c'est tuto fonctionne pour une map 1.0 ?
Ce message a été modifié par tail - 04 November 2011 - 12:36.

rudydu08 Photo rudydu08 05 November 2011 - 13:27

bonjour j'ai crée un post pour mon probleme mais en voyant que personne n'a voulu m'aider je post ici

je voudrai tenter de crée une map style natch avec le mod tool

mon probleme c'est que j'arrive meme pas a commencer je n'arrive meme pas a commencer a faire des structure et j'ia trouver aucun tuto pour cela

si quelqun voudrai biene m'expliquer


gicombat Photo gicombat 05 November 2011 - 19:04


Alors là non, c'est impossible de faire un fin scripter en 1.0. Même en style NdU. Il faut passer en 1.2!!


:blink: :blink: tu n'a même pas essayer de touchez à tout les boutons dans le radiant?

rudydu08 Photo rudydu08 05 November 2011 - 19:20


:blink: :blink: tu n'a même pas essayer de touchez à tout les boutons dans le radiant?

non car j'ai pas trop envie de deregler quelque chose et perso je suis pas dutou fort en anglais

gicombat Photo gicombat 08 November 2011 - 17:51

ah ok, je te comprend. Tu as 3 vue, Vu 2D (a guache) Vue 3D(en haut à droite) et textures(en bas à droite.)

La vu 2D te permet de tout faire, mettre l'IA, faire des brushs, mettre des models, et des triggers. La vue 3D, de regarder ton travail. Et les textures, de voire les textures utilisé.

tail Photo tail 09 November 2011 - 13:11

 gicombat, le 05 November 2011 - 19:04, dit :


Alors là non, c'est impossible de faire un fin scripter en 1.0. Même en style NdU. Il faut passer en 1.2!!


:blink: :blink: tu n'a même pas essayer de touchez à tout les boutons dans le radiant?

ah oué ok .. oué mais quand jpasse en 1.2 j'y arrive plus ya trop de script :/

rudydu08 Photo rudydu08 09 November 2011 - 23:17

bon moi je lache l'affaire j'y comprend rien du tous dommage

lerango Photo lerango 16 February 2013 - 13:36

Salut ! Je sais que je ré-UP un sujet un peux mort, mais c'est toujours mieux que en recréer un, voilà mon problème quand je compil ma map :

deleted 6 duplicate polys from 256 poly mesh (null)
deleted 6 duplicate polys from 256 poly mesh (null)

lors du light et puis plus rien à savoir que je n'ai fait qu'une map plate avec un spawn pour test.

Espérant que qlq pourra m'aider :)

EDIT : maintenant mon problème est celui ci :
(!) UNRECOVERABLE ERROR: More than 8192 assets in fast file

D'où vient ce problème ?
Ce message a été modifié par lerango - 16 February 2013 - 13:38.

lerango Photo lerango 16 February 2013 - 20:20


MrGeek Photo MrGeek 20 May 2013 - 15:24

salut out le monde alors jais fait une map zombie cod 5 avec le mod tools et j’aimerais savoir si quel qu'un n’orrait pas un tuto video pour la compiler ect... merci d'avance !!:)

tommy123 Photo tommy123 15 July 2013 - 02:20

bonjours, à vous tous. Voila j'ai commencé a faire une carte zombie custom ( avec le suivie a la lettre du tuto de fooy mais malheureusement j ai beaucoups d'erreures) je sais bien que les erreur de souds son normale mais les autre je sais pas.
pourai vous m'aidé. et si quelqu'un voudrai m'ajouté pour m expliqué en profondeur comment faire une carte de type nacht der untoten vus que je début, qu'il m envoye un message privé sa me ferai très plaisir d'avoir une aide.
merci a vous de bien vouloir me donné de votre temps.

P.S j'ai aussi un problème avec les script quand je veux lancé ma carte. vus que quand je fait copier coller les script de fooy et que je les mais dans le block note il me les met tous sur 3 lignes a la place de me les mettre ligne par ligne. du cout je suis obligé de les mettre moi même ligne par ligne et perso je pense que la cause de me erreure de script son dûs a ça. es-ce que on peut changé ca du block note pour qu'il me les mette automatiquement ligne par ligne ?

P.S désolé pour l'orthographe j'était fatigué vus l'heure qu'il est.

ERROR: Could not open '../zone_source/english/assetlist/code_post_gfx.csv'
ERROR: Could not open '../zone_source/english/assetlist/common.csv'
ERROR: Could not open '../zone_source/zombiemode.csv'
ERROR: alias weap_bar_fire in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_bar_fire_mn_act in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_kar98k_fire in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_kar98k_fire_act in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_kar98k_snp_ring_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_kar98k_fire_snp in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_kar98k_snp_ring_mn in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias gr_kar98_shell_in_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_arisaka_fire_snp in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_arisaka_snp_ring_mn in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias gr_arisaka_shell_in_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_mosinnagant_fire in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_mosinnagant_fire_snp in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_mosinnagant_snp_ring_mn in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias gr_mosin_shell_in_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias gr_springfield_shell_in_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_MP44_fire_act in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_MP44_fire_sup in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_sniper_breathin in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_sniper_breathout in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_sniper_breathgasp in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_mp40_fire_act in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_mp40_fire_act_sil in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_ppsh_fire_action in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_50cal_fire_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_mg42_fire in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_mg42_fire_mn_act in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_pnzr_fire_rocket in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rpg_rocket in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rpg_impact_boom in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rpg_impact_boom_dirt in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias model3_fire in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias model3_fire_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias wpn_20mm_fire_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias panzeriv_fire_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sherman_fire_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias shell_whizby in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias type97_fire_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias shell_eject in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias shell_default in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias shell_eject_rifle in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias shell_default_rifle in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_ignite_falloff in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias weap_flamethrower_swtnr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sub_thump_wpn in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sub_thump_gren in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sub_thump_gren2 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sub_thump_tank in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sub_thump_wpn_92 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sub_thump_rpg in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_bass in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_explode in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenadeR in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_distR in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_wood in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_carpet in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_plaster in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_rock in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_asphalt in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_brick in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_ceramic in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_concrete in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_dirt in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_bark in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_foliage in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_grass in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_gravel in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_ice in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_mud in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_sand in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_snow in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_water in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_explode_water_2 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias grenade_bounce_water in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias sticky_gren_bounce_water in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias smoke_bounce_water in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_wood in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_carpet in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_plaster in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_rock in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_asphalt in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_brick in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_ceramic in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_concrete in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_dirt in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_bark in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_foliage in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_grass in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_gravel in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_ice in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_mud in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_snow in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_water in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rifle_grenade_water_2 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias art_incoming in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_dirt_debris in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_dirt in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_impact_water in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_water in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_explosion_dist in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias bomb_far_falloff_glo in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_incoming1 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_incoming2 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_incoming3 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_explosion in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_explosion1 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_explosion2 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias mortar_explosion3 in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias rocket_falloff in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias tank_impact_full in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias tank_far_falloff_glo in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias tank_dirt_debris in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias tank_impact_small in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias tank_sm_far_falloff_glo in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias tank_sm_dirt_debris in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias knife_stab_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias knife_pull_plr in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias melee_knife_hit_body in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias melee_knife_hit_other in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: alias paintball_impact in weapons.csv had zero variants
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/levels/sniper/dist_explos/explo_sweetner_left.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/levels/sniper/dist_explos/explo_sweetner_right.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/empty/pistol_dry_fire_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/empty/pistol_dry_fire_st.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/empty/rifle_dry_fire_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/empty/rifle_dry_fire_st.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/empty/smg_dry_fire_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/empty/smg_dry_fire_st.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/foley/1911_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/foley/1911_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/foley/1911_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/foley/1911_slide_forward.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/foley/gr_g43_slide_forward.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/foley/gr_dp28_tap.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/357/foley/gr_357_close.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/357/foley/gr_357_empty.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/357/foley/gr_357_load.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/357/foley/gr_357_open.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/bar/foley/bar_charge.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/bar/foley/bar_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/bar/foley/bar_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/bar/foley/bar_tap.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/bayonet/gr_bayonet_ix.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/bayonet/gr_bayonet_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rpg/bazooka/foley/bazooka_down.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rpg/bazooka/foley/bazooka_ground.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rpg/bazooka/foley/bazooka_start.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rpg/bazooka/foley/bazooka_tap.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rpg/bazooka/foley/bazooka_up.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/db_foley/gr_dbshot_break.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/db_foley/gr_dbshot_click.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/db_foley/gr_dbshot_close.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/db_foley/gr_dbshot_shake_1brl.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/db_foley/gr_dbshot_shake.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/db_foley/gr_dbshot_shell_in_1.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/db_foley/gr_dbshot_shell_in_2.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/foley/gr_dp28_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/foley/gr_dp28_mag_land.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/foley/gr_dp28_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/foley/gr_fg42_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/foley/gr_fg42_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/foley/gr_fg42_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/foley/gr_fg42_pull.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/foley/gr_fg42_release.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/foley/gr_g43_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/foley/gr_g43_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/foley/gr_g43_slide_back.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/foley/gr_g43_mag_contact.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/foley/gr_kar98_bolt_back.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/foley/gr_kar98_bolt_forward.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/foley/gr_kar98_bolt_up.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/foley/gr_kar98_clip_eject.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/foley/gr_kar98_clip_land.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/foley/gr_m1carbine_charge.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/foley/gr_m1carbine_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/foley/gr_m1carbine_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/foley/gr_m1carbine_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/foley/gr_ppsh_mag_tap.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle_gren/gr_rifle_gren_click.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle_gren/gr_rifle_gren_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle_gren/gr_rifle_gren_load.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle_gren/gr_rifle_gren_remove.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/mg42_bpod/foley/gr_mg42_charge.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/mg42_bpod/foley/gr_mg42_jimmy.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/mg42_bpod/foley/gr_mg42_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/mg42_bpod/foley/gr_mg42_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/mg42_bpod/foley/gr_mg42_pull.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/deploy/gr_break_down.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/deploy/gr_deploy_end.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/deploy/gr_deploy_start.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/foley/gr_mosin_bolt_back.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/foley/gr_mosin_bolt_down.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/foley/gr_mosin_bolt_forward.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/foley/gr_mosin_bolt_up.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/mp40/foley/gr_mp40_charge.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/mp40/foley/gr_mp40_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/mp40/foley/gr_mp40_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/foley/gr_mp44_charge.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/foley/gr_mp44_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/foley/gr_mp44_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/foley/gr_mp44_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/foley/gr_p38_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/foley/gr_p38_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/foley/gr_p38_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/foley/gr_p38_slide.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/foley/gr_ppsh_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/foley/gr_ppsh_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/foley/gr_ppsh_slide_forward.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/foley/gr_ptrs_clip_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/foley/gr_ptrs_close.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/foley/gr_ptrs_open.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/foley/gr_ptrs_pull.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/foley/gr_ptrs_release.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_reload_3rd.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/wpn_shtgun_mn_pmp.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/foley/gr_tt33_futz.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/foley/gr_tt33_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/foley/gr_tt33_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/foley/gr_tt33_slide.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/foley/type100_charge.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/foley/type100_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/foley/type100_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/foley/type100_tap.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type99/foley/gr_type99lmg_charge.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type99/foley/gr_type99lmg_mag_in.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type99/foley/gr_type99lmg_mag_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/paintball/paintball_fire.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/ringoffs/wpn_panzeriv_st_ringoff.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/ringoffs/wpn_panzeriv_mn_ringoff.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/panzeriv/fire/wpn_panzeriv_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/panzeriv/fire/wpn_panzeriv_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/tank_reload/gr_tank.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_reload_battery.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_reload_battery_out.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_reload_close.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_reload_open.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/projectile/rpg/boom_sur_00.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/projectile/rpg/rpg_decay_l.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/projectile/rpg/rpg_decay_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/ringoffs/wpn_sherman_st_f_ringoff.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/ringoffs/wpn_sherman_mn_ringoff.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/sherman/fire/wpn_sherman_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/sherman/fire/wpn_sherman_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/tank_reload/foley/gr_tank.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/ringoffs/wpn_tank_ringoff.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/tiger/fire/wpn_tiger_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/stuart/fire/wpn_stuartmaingun_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/us/dist_us_mg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/fire/ring/car_m_left.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/fire/ring/car_m_right.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/357/fire/wpn_357_mn_shot.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/357/fire/wpn_357_mn_dist.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/357/fire/wpn_357_st_shot.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/50cal/fire/wpn_50cal_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/50cal/fire/wpn_50cal_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/50cal/fire/wpn_50cal_mn_dist.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/arisaka_snp/fire/wpn_arisaka_snp_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/jap/dist_jap_rifle.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/arisaka_snp/fire/wpn_arisaka_snp_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/ring/svt_left_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/ring/svt_right_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/snpr_ring/snpr_mosin/snpr_mosin_00.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/snpr_ring/snpr_mosin/snpr_mosin_01.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/rifle_ringoff/moving/asslt_left.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/rifle_ringoff/moving/asslt_right.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/bar/fire/wpn_bar_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/us/dist_us_bar.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/bar/fire/wpn_bar_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/fire/mono/wpn_m1carbine_mn_00.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/fire/act/wpn_carbine_act_mn_00.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/us/dist_us_rifle.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/fire/wpn_m1carbine_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/fire/wpn_m1carbine_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/fire/wpn_colt1911_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/fire/wpn_colt1911_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/us/dist_us_smg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/fire/wpn_colt1911_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/fire/wpn_colt1911_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/airplane_50cal/plane_50cal.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/fire/wpn_dbshot_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/fire/wpn_dbsawshot_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/shotgun/fire/wpn_dbshot_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/wpn_dp28_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/wpn_dp28_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/rus/dist_rus_mg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/fire/wpn_dp28_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/fire/wpn_dp28_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/dp28/fire/wpn_dp28_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/wpn_fg42_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/wpn_fg42_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/ger/dist_ger_mg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/fire/wpn_fg42_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/fire/wpn_fg42_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/fg42/foley/gr_fg42.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/wpn_flm_cooldown.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/wpn_flm_cooldown_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/wpn_flmthwr_st_flame.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/wpn_flmthwr_mn_flame.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/foley/flame_front.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/foley/flame_rear.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/wpn_flmthwr_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/wpn_flm_ignite.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/flame_thrower/wpn_flm_ignite_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/fire/wpn_g43_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/fire/wpn_g43_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/fire/wpn_g43_mn_sup.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/ger/dist_ger_rifle.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/fire/wpn_g43_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/fire/wpn_g43_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/gewehr43/fire/wpn_g43_st_sup.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/fire/wpn_kar98_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/fire/wpn_kar98_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/fire/wpn_kar98_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/kingtiger/fire/wpn_kingtiger_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1_carbine/foley/gr_m1carbine.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1gar/fire/wpn_m1garand_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/m1gar/fire/wpn_m1garand_mn_action.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/mg42_bpod/fire/wpn_mg42_fire_mn_dist.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/mg42_bpod/fire/wpn_mg42_fire_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/fire/wpn_mosin_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/rus/dist_rus_rifle.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/fire/wpn_mosin_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/fire/wpn_mosin_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/fire/wpn_mosin_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mosin_nagant/fire/wpn_mosin_st_sur.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/mp40/fire/mono/mono_00.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/ger/dist_ger_smg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/mp40/fire/wpn_mp40_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/mp40/fire/wpn_mp40_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/fire/wpn_mp44_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/ger/dist_ger_stg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/fire/wpn_mp44_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/fire/wpn_mp44_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/fire/wpn_mp44_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/mp44/foley/gr_mp44.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/jap/dist_jap_smg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/fire/wpn_p38_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/fire/wpn_p38_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/fire/wpn_p38_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/p38/fire/wpn_p38_st_sur.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/fire/mono/wpn_ppsh_mnh_00.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/fire/wpn_ppsh_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/rus/dist_rus_smg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/fire/wpn_ppsh_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/fire/wpn_ppsh_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/ppsh/fire/wpn_ppsh_st_sur.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/fire/wpn_ptrs_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/fire/wpn_ptrs_mn_shot.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/fire/wpn_ptrs_mn_dist.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/special/ptrs/fire/wpn_ptrs_st_shot.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_exp.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_exp_cl.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_flux_l.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_flux_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_st_f_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/ray_gun/wpn_ray_loop.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/character/heartbeat/heartbeat.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/springfield/fire/wpn_springfield_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/springfield/fire/wpn_springfield_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/springfield/fire/wpn_springfield_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/springfield/fire/wpn_springfield_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/spring_snp/fire/wpn_spring_snp_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/wpn_svt40_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/wpn_svt40_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/wpn_svt40_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/wpn_svt40_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/wpn_svt40_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/wpn_svt40_st_sur.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/ring/svt_left.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/svt40/fire/ring/svt_right.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/foley/gf_kar98_rechamber.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/rifle/kar_98/foley/gr_kar98.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/thompson/fire/act/act_00.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/fire/wpn_tt33_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/fire/wpn_tt33_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/fire/wpn_tt33_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/fire/wpn_tt33_st_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/tt33/fire/wpn_tt33_st_sur.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/pistols/colt1911/foley/gr_colt1911.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/fire/wpn_type100_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/fire/wpn_type100_m_sup.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/fire/wpn_type100_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/fire/wpn_type100_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/fire/wpn_type100_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/smg/type100/fire/wpn_type100_st_sup.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type92/fire/wpn_type92_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type92/fire/wpn_type92_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/jap/dist_jap_mg.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type92/fire/wpn_type92_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type92/fire/wpn_type92_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type99/fire/wpn_type99_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type99/fire/wpn_type99_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/dist/jap/dist_jap_t99.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type99/fire/wpn_type99_st_f.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/type99/fire/wpn_type99_st_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/cannons/20mm/fire/wpn_20mm_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/cannons/20mm/fire/wpn_20mm_mn_act.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mg/30calcoax/fire/wpn_30calcoax_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mortars/mortar/fire/wpn_mortar_fire.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/mortars/mortar/fire/wpn_mortar_fire_dist.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/cannons/triple_25/fire/wpn_triple25_flux_l.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/cannons/triple_25/fire/wpn_triple25_flux_r.wav' not found
ERROR: Sound file 'sound/sfx/weapon/tank/type97/fire/wpn_type97_coax_mn.wav' not found
ERROR: physics preset 'bÍa' not found
ERROR: physics preset '…ob' not found
ERROR: physics preset '!Áa' not found

Moving C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\zone\english\nazi_zombie_skill.ff
to C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\nazi_zombie_skill\nazi_zombie_skill.ff
Copying C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\HumorModTWO\mod.arena
to C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\HumorModTWO\mod.arena
ERROR: L'accès au chemin d'accès 'C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\HumorModTWO\mod.arena' est refusé.
Copying C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mp_humormodtwo.iwd
to C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mp_humormodtwo.iwd
ERROR: L'accès au chemin d'accès 'C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mp_humormodtwo.iwd' est refusé.
Copying C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mod.arena
to C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mod.arena
ERROR: L'accès au chemin d'accès 'C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mod.arena' est refusé.
Copying C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\mp_usermaps\mp_usermaps.iwd
to C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_usermaps\mp_usermaps.iwd
ERROR: L'accès au chemin d'accès 'C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_usermaps\mp_usermaps.iwd' est refusé.
Copying C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\nazi_zombie_skill\nazi_zombie_skill.ff
to C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\nazi_zombie_skill\nazi_zombie_skill.ff
Copying C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\usermaps\images.iwd
to C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\usermaps\images.iwd
ERROR: L'accès au chemin d'accès 'C:\Users\tommy\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\usermaps\images.iwd' est refusé.

bastian5992 Photo bastian5992 10 August 2016 - 14:14

Bonjour moi mon problème c'est sa][img]http://img4.hostingp...9321Capture.png
Ce message a été modifié par bastian5992 - 10 August 2016 - 14:20.